Monday, August 5, 2024

What happened there?

Suddenly it's a month since my last post.  What happened there?

Nothing much, just the typical mix of computer trouble (all fixed now, I hope), health problems around the family, and being distracted by other things.  Mostly trivial stuff like having some posts written but not being able to find the right images to go with them.

My usual opponent has been away on holiday, the D&D campaign has missed a few weeks because people were busy doing other things, all that stuff.

I bought a dozen Falklands-era troops to add to my Bad Spelling crew.  I didn't recognise the models, but they were already painted and a good price.  Sadly the seller just slipped them into a snappy bag and popped that in a box with some bubble wrap.  They turn out to be metal figures, probably TQD from Checkpoint Models, and they rattled around in the bag and lost quite a bit of paint.  Also a few gun barrels needed to be straightened.  So I spent a while retouching the shiny bare metal patches.

New recruits for June/July

Then I decided to get a game on the table, but just needed to move a couple of boxes of models to get at the ones I wanted.  Crash they went down onto the floor.  Tick off another day for repairs.

At least I've got in some cycling and a couple of games of Squad Leader.

Until next time, health & happiness to you all.

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