Wednesday, July 10, 2024

100 Page views

OK this is definitely tongue-in-cheek, because it's not much of an achievement, but I've seen other bloggers celebrate milestones in how many people their blogs have reached, so it seemed polite to do the same.  Of course one hundred page views is setting the bar pretty low, but it's a start.

There are obvious strategies to increase page views by engagement with other bloggers: following other bloggers and pointing out that they could come and read your new blog, for example.  Although that assumes that engagement and page views, comments etc are the purpose of the blog.  Suddenly we find ourselves in murky waters: why do you want to write a blog?  Do you crave interaction? Validation?  Attention?  Why not just start a Facebook page with photographs of kittens asking for cheeseburgers?

I want a place to record the events of my life (at least, some of them, the toys and games) in a way that will be easy for me to read them in the future.  I already keep a record of my games, and take photographs, but they aren't combined into an illustrated description with tags for searching.  That's what the blog gives me.  And because it's public, other people get the chance to read my diary and comment on it, but that's definitely secondary.  Thanks to all 3 of my regular readers for taking a look.

Back when I was a computer programmer, a wise colleague told me that the point of putting comments in the code was so that it could be understood by strangers who don't understand how it works, which includes yourself a couple of years from now.  Here's something I can read that will remind me what happened and what went well or badly in a couple of years from now, when I will have forgotten.

Until next time, health & happiness to you all.

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