Monday, January 15, 2024

New blogger

Who would have thought that there could still be new users beginning to blog?  I'm sure that all the cool kids have migrated to newer platforms.  However, as my memory begins to fail me, this will provide a useful reminder of new toys and great games.  If anyone else reads it out of idle curiosity then I can only say that they have too much time on their hands 😀 

Aside from acting as a diary of games & other fun, I hope to use this blog as a way to circulate my own rules and modifications to those who play them.


  1. Good luck! we don't need the cool kids. 😁

  2. Thanks Stew, and well done on finding this one-line blog. I wasn't expecting anyone to notice its existence until there is some actual content here


A stroke of luck

I must be the luckiest blighter alive. On Friday the 13th of December, a date of ill omen, I suffered a stroke, a bleed on the brain.  I was...