Saturday, February 8, 2025

Thoughts about a scenario for Lexington & Concord


Looking ahead to the next anniversary of the AWI, this is going to be a difficult scenario to define in a way that makes an interesting and winnable game for both players.

My idea about the basic structure is to play two short sections, one after the other.  First will be a search of Lexington, looking for the ringleaders of the rebellion and any hidden arms and ammunition that were rumoured to be stored there.  Then the Crown troops will have the long walk back to Boston under harassing fire all the way.

There are a couple of good templates for part 2 in the existing OHW scenarios.  Scenario 23 Escape looks promising, while scenario 20 Fighting Retreat adds a couple of elements that don't seen to fit the historical situation here: the retreating force has to quickly cross a river or be trapped and eliminated, and there is a strategic hill to be fought over for the final victory.  While it could have gone badly for any Crown forces that failed to reach their boats and cross back to Boston, that crossing is near the end of the scenario, rather than on turn 2, the time limit in in scenario  20.

Sadly there is no template for a scenario where Red searches a village, sending a unit to spend some time in each building. Blue can cause a few casualties during the search, rather like the losses from fighting at the north bridge.

Sadly I'm not convinced that the Crown troops ever had a realistic chance of finding their targets.  The advance from Boston had been well observed and all the ringleaders were long gone before the troops arrived to look for them.  Unless the Crown troops have some outside chance of finding something in their search, there is little point in playing the first part of the action, other than to scatter the Crown forces and cause a few casualties among them.

Perhaps an American reader will have a different perspective?  Are there versions of the story where the ringleaders were lucky to escape capture and showed great cunning or daring to remain free?

Until next time, health & happiness to you all.


  1. Dave, four years ago, I created scenarios for both actions to be played out using Rebels & Patriots. If interested, details can be found at
    This may be useful or not!

    1. Thank you for that link, Jonathan. Lots of ideas in there for me to think about in creating that half of the action. Double-blind search should create plenty of tension, quality differences to be reflected, lots to work on

  2. Interesting points here Dave....having been given the tip on this anniversary in some blog I follow, I have thought I should try and organize a refight myself. I even considered the first game as low level skirmish, with dice rolling to try to avoid the British opening fire in the first place...might have made quite a difference to the outcome of the action in no one had died on Lexington Green?!


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