Thursday, January 23, 2025

A stroke of luck

I must be the luckiest blighter alive.

On Friday the 13th of December, a date of ill omen, I suffered a stroke, a bleed on the brain.  I was taken in to our local hospital and a week later I  was sitting up in bed, chatting with old friends who had come to visit and check on my progress.

As I typed this on Christmas Eve, I was looking forward to seeing my two lovely granddaughters on the big day tomorrow.

Don't get me wrong. I haven't just walked away from this serious incident unaffected, but it could have been so much worse.  I'm still walking, talking and getting a weekly game in, even if I am half-blind now.  

Before all of this trouble. I was making a little progress on my backlog. including this famous archaeologist in a ruined temple.

Until next time, health & happiness to you all

Indy & the temple of inadequate maintenance


  1. Bloody hell!! Glad you're on the mend Dave!

  2. Cheers, Ray. Still got plenty to be thankful for. Hope you're doing well yourself

  3. Yikes! That was a close call. Happy to see that you are recovering most of your capabilities.


Robinson Crusoe - solo castaway

 While I've been recovering, my brother-in-law has kindly lent me his copy of Robinson Crusoe - Adventures on the Cursed Island. This is...